I, like many of you, often take time to sign petitions I want to support that are circulated by Change.org, Avaaz.org, and other similar groups. As consumers we can use our voices to influence the policies of companies that want our business. This is one quick and simple way we can help create change. Will petitions alone end animal cruelty? Unfortunately, no. I stand by my assertion that we need to communicate with our local, state, and federal representatives to let them know that we want them to support the humane treatment of animals. This involves another important step, though; you need to know how your representatives vote on the issues you care about and then vote accordingly.
You can make this easier by checking online to see if your state has a group that works to influence animal welfare legislation. In Connecticut we have a GREAT organization called Connecticut Votes For Animals (ctvotesforanimals.org). The organization sends those on their mailing list updates on pending bills that we should keep an eye on, encourages us to call specific leaders of influence to ask them to vote pro-animal when an important vote is coming up, and informs us of the outcome of these votes. They keep us informed about our state's laws pertaining to the treatment of animals. This group has been very influential in making Connecticut one of the more animal-friendly states in the country.
Find out if your state has a similar group by checking with the Humane Society of the United States' (HSUS) director for your state, who would be able to direct you to a group such as this if one exists. Change will come when the thousands of us who believe that animals have a right to humane treatment stand together and make our voices heard.
This is Lexy at Save a Sato in Puerto Rico. She continues her wait for a forever home.
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