
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Meet Wall-e, a gentle soul

This handsome boy is Wall-e, currently living at Animal Welfare Society (AWS) in New Milford, CT. He is one of my favorite dogs to spend time with because he is so gentle. When I asked how he ended up at AWS, I learned that he was neglected by his owner. It seems highly likely that he was mistreated as well since he is very shy and often cowers if I move too quickly when I am in his kennel with him. It breaks my heart to see the fear in an animal's eyes that is the result of abuse inflicted by humans. I see that so often with the dogs in Puerto Rico.

When I go to AWS, I typically spend my time sitting in the kennels with the dogs. Some, like Wall-e, need to learn that most people will be kind to them despite what has happened in their past. Others, like fellow AWS residents Jacob and Butters, love people and are so happy to get some extra attention.

As a Pit Bull mix, Wall-e will have to wait for one of those special people who can look past the breed and see his sweet soul. Most people that I have seen come in looking for a dog walk right past him when they see that he is a Bully breed. I do understand why someone with small children would be hesitant to have a Pit Bull, but I wish others would at least stop to meet him the way they do the other dogs.

One day Wall-e's special person will come to AWS and recognize him for the treasure that he is. Until then, I will continue to stand in for them and give him the love that he so deserves.

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