There are many ways to help dogs and cats in need and fostering is one of them. If your lifestyle isn't suitable to have your own at this time, fostering may be for you. As a foster, you would take in a dog or cat and provide it with a safe, loving home until a permanent home can be found. Watch the two minute clip below and see how one couple has made a difference in the lives of many dogs by being fosters. I'm not sure who is happier, the dogs or the couple!
There are a lot of organizations that are looking for fosters but one great organization I would like to highlight is Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA). A friend of mine has fostered for them and says great things about the organization. I encourage you to check out their website ( to see the ways in which they are making a difference for homeless animals.
#fostering #dogfoster #catfoster #animalrescue #dogrescue #catrescue #dogadoption #catadoption #euthanasia #nokill